Spearhead: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II

Wow. This book is phenomenal. Stop reading this and go buy the book immediately.

I learned of this book while listening to The Art of Manliness podcast (as I typically do). I thought the topic was interesting so I bought the book and held onto it so that I could read it on my honeymoon, sitting on a beach. Except that I started to read it on the plane ride and got through it in the first 2 days of the 9 day trip. There is plenty of action and touching moments as you follow tank gunners from both the US and the German sides of WWII. The writing is wonderful and engaging, although the topic and the heart of the story is enough.

I have started following the author, Adam Makos, and will be reading anything he publishes!

Definitely check this out!

C. L


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