The Secrets of Kings

Braden Marius, a lonely teenage orphan, suddenly finds himself face to face with his destiny. While attending Wokingham, a school for the children of the ‘who’s who’ in Stoneridge, Braden is forced to choose between diverging paths, friends, even life and death. Mysterious deaths and impending war with the rival kingdom of Arlington thrusts Braden to confront his fears and future while striving to become the man he was told he could be. After catching the attention of the young King Breckland, Braden stumbles upon a conspiracy stretching throughout time, ultimately earning the respect of the King. 

Relying on his close friends, Alex and Roland, as well as the mysterious, yet beautiful Jess, Braden grapples with finding his identity and surviving in a world where he has only known pain, poverty, and an ordinary existence. That is, until he discovers an ability to transform the world around him.

But at what cost? Just how deep does is the conspiracy to kill the King? Who can Braden trust? A stolen book entitled The Secrets of Kings begins to answer Braden’s question, and could change the face of Stoneridge, and the entire realm, forever. However, only if Braden is able to overcome his greatest enemy; himself.

The Secrets of Kings is currently being shopped to Literary Agents with the expertise to bring this story to hands of readers across the globe! Follow this journey by reading our Blog. Wish us luck!

Millennial Love Sucks! But Does it Have to?

Self-published in 2012, Millennial Love Sucks! But does it have to? was a side project from C.L.  Okay, fine, it was a self-driven therapy session that began while going through a divorce.  This book was never edited by anyone (therefore needs editing badly) however, the completion of the book became a metaphor for C.L. emerging from a difficult period in his life.  He wanted to share his experiences and musings on love.  This was before Tinder and Bumble, so let's not get him started on that!  Reader beware: this book is unpolished and strictly the personal views of C.L.  Enjoy!

Official Teaser:

Love. What exactly is this thing called Love? In Millennial Love Sucks! But Does it Have to? we explore how many in the Millennial Generation are faring with this elusive thing called ‘Love.’ Through the eyes of the author, C. L. Bartley, we candidly explore the pitfalls of relationships and how we ultimately fail in dealing with those bumps in the road. The author often uses his often times humorous personal experiences to illustrate what not to do in many of the typical dating scenarios facing the single world today.

Whether you’re heart-broken, single and loving it, or happily married, Millennial Love Sucks! has something for you. Written as a self-improvement book, C. L. Bartley makes us look at ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves what went wrong? How do we fix it? Where do you want to go from here and how do we get there? 

By the last page of our exploration you will have experienced highs and lows with C. L. Bartley and will be ready to look towards a brighter future. Armed with self-assurance and a clearer view of the world around you, Millennial Love Sucks! prepares you to step back into the dating world and enjoy it, or perhaps, be glad you have already left the roller coaster world of dating far behind you.

 TV Pilot “Untitled”

I am excited to announce I am currently writing a pilot! My wife and I recently had the pleasure of having our first child and wow - what a story that was. So many tears, ups, downs, tears, surprises, tears... I can’t help but think it would make a great TV show! The lessons we learned about ourselves, our families, our friends were (and are) eye-openning. Stay tuned for more information!

 Available for Purchase

Millennial Love Sucks! But Does it Have to?

Available on Amazon



