Age of Swords and Age of War: Books Two and Three of Legends of the First Empire

I had realized I skipped posting about Age of Swords (Book Two of The Legends of the First Empire) and Age of War (Book Three of The Legends of The First Empire).  Whoops!  However, I have a reasonable explanation… I read Age of Swords and immediately started reading Age of War and I could not put it down!  I typically read my Fantasy books in bed and there were nights I gently suggested to the wife that we go to bed early just so I could read!  Age of Swords picks up where Age of Myth left off and doesn’t miss a beat.  The story progresses nicely, and the characters continue to develop.  Most importantly, you really start to care about the characters and in many cases, you begin to fear for their safety.

Age of War is where it really starts to get good.  As the title would suggest, the action and intrigue pick up and each chapter is filled with movement towards the goal of winning the war against the Fhrey.  I absolutely loved Age of War and was excited when I realized that the fourth book had been published not too long ago!  

Anyway, this series deserves more attention than it currently receives.  Michael  J. Sullivan is a great writer who has crafted a world worth exploring.

C. L


The Storm Before The Storm


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